Author: peterkagey
Saved video tweets (Part 1/4)
As I discussed previously, I’m going through my old saved tweets and documenting them as I move to Bluesky ( Here are four of those tweets (all of which had video/GIF embeddings): Peter Huxford on a cubic curve determined by 9 points I posted about this demo on Bluesky. My guess is that it is…
Some Saved Tweets
I’ve been off Twitter for a while now, but I thought it would be useful to archive my saved posts somewhere. Here are a subset of my saved posts, which I think are mostly self-explanatory.
An M.C. Escher-inspired poster
I wanted an excuse to use Harvey Mudd’s large format printer, so I made a movie-sized (27″×40″) poster for my office based on the second term of OEIS sequence A368138(n): \(A368138(2) = 154\). The idea here is that you have a a collection of tiles like , which you can rotate and mirror; you then…
Triangle Center Patterns
I made a video that illustrates a particularly interesting “discrete state random dynamical system,” which was inspired by a Tweet (and a mistake) that I saw. First, be hypnotized by this video, which I recommend you watch in 4K, and then scroll down to read about the inspiration and the cool math going on under…
How to Make Animated Math GIFs: LaTeX + TikZ
The first animated GIF that I ever made was made with the LaTeX package TikZ and the command line utility ImageMagick. In this post, I’ll give a quick example of how to make a simple GIF that works by layering images with transparent backgrounds on top of each other repeatedly. TikZ code In our first…
XOR Triangles
In this post, I’ll explore the math behind one of my Twitter bots, @xorTriangles. This bot was inspired by the MathOverflow question “Number triangle,” asked by user DSM posted in May 2020. (I gave an overview of my Twitter bots @oeisTriangles in my post “Parity Bitmaps from the OEIS“. And if you want to build…
Robot Walks
I’ve gotten a lot of mathematical inspiration from Project Euler questions, but perhaps the question that has gotten me thinking the most is Project Euler Problem 208: Robot Walks. In this problem, a robot takes steps either to the right or the left, and at each step, it turns \(\frac 15\) of the way of…
Pour Le Science and the anti-Sum-Product Problem
In March 2021, I got an out-of-the-blue email from OEIS editor Michel Marcus which totally delighted me. He wrote: This afternoon I went to the library.And I was browsing “Pour La Science” the French version of the Scientific American.And here is what I saw. I like the mysterious tone. He included this photo of an…
Zimin Words and Bifixes
One of the earliest contributions to the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS) was a family sequences counting the number of words that begin (or don’t begin) with a palindrome: Let \(f_k(n)\) be the number of strings of length \(n\) over a \(k\)-letter alphabet that begin with a nontrivial palindrome” for various values of \(k\).…
My Favorite Sequences: A263135
This is the fourth in my installment of My Favorite Sequences. This post discusses sequence A263135 which counts penny-to-penny connections among \(n\) pennies on the vertices of a hexagonal grid. I published this sequence in October 2015 when I was thinking about hexagonal-grid analogs to the “Not Equal” grid. The square-grid analog of this sequence…